Easter Hope

This Easter, millions of people will gather in churches all over the world to celebrate the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus. Easter is the story of the greatest rescue mission in history. God came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ to rescue all of humanity. Because of the cross and because of his Resurrection, we have the hope of eternal life in Heaven. That’s the Good News.

Easter is the single most important event in history that changed everything. It split history into AD and BC. And as believers, it’s our greatest opportunity to reach more people for Christ.

Take the opportunity to invite your neighbors to church this Easter. I’ve learned that people are more open to accepting your invitation to join you for Easter worship than at any other time of the year.  If we would take on the mantra of “each one, reach one” could you imagine how many baptisms we could do next year!  I will be sharing the greatest story ever told this coming Sunday.  People will be given the opportunity to accept God’s wonderful grace and begin a relationship with Jesus.  So again, I want to challenge you to invite someone to our upcoming Easter Service.  Their eternity hangs in the balance!  Thank you friends.
Pastor Shawn

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